According to the application,travel bags can be divided in mountaineering bags, and daily city tours or short-distance travel bags.These bags' feature and purpose are very different. Mountaineering bags are divided into large bags and small bags, The large bag also has the frame type and the inner tower type, because the frame type travels is extremely inconveniently in the wooded mountain,so we are usually recommended to use inner tower type travel bag. For example,five days to climb the four girls mountains,the 70-80 Liter travel bag is recommended for men, and 40-50 Liter bags for ladies. It would be better to carry a travel bag with a removable top bag or purse and only carry the top bag or purse after arriving at the camp, large package can be remain in camps, go into battle with a light pack.
While you carry a large bag full of things, it seems very cool look and you will attract a lot of eyeballs, but only you who can feel the weight.And nobody will cover the tied on your shoulders.So when choose a travel bag to travel should consideryour capability,and the travel bag must be selected according to you.
When you select the travel bag,you must test weights, equivalent to the weight of their bags of stuff in the bag to try the effect, or borrow a friend's travel bags to test. Please pay attention to the bag to check if it is close to the back, and if the belt and chest strap are appropriate. And men's styles and women styles should be separated, and so on.When you have a good travel bag, it will hurt your backache if you don't loading well. the salesclerk which from the outdoors thing shop introduced,common order for filling goods is (from bottom to top): Sleeping bag and clothing, light equipment, heavy equipment, provisions, drink.
When you would like to buy a travel bag, suggest you to buy it in a professional shop with the professionals guidance,and you should select carefully before you purchase and should not only look at the brand name, rather to inappropriate if it is not suitable, after all only you will bear the fatigure. If your stature is not high, do not choose the travel bag with too big volumn.Generally speaking,woman selects the travel bag with the volume less than 60 litres.When chooses the travel bag only to have a look,but also carry on the back with the heavy things, and then walk personally to feel the travel bag performance.If you feel uncomfortable,this travel bag is not suitable for you even if it is advance design.
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